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Elastic Project, digital skills by operators in welfare sector


The Elastic project is funded by the European Community through the Erasmus + program, specifically Key Action 2 which supports, among others, Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education. In line with the priorities of the European Community, Elastic aims to improve digital skills and use of ICT tools by institutions working in the welfare sector, by their operators and in general by their networks and collaborations. Particular attention will be dedicated to the improvement and speeding of internal and external communication flows in this type of organizations.

logo progetto elastic

The project partnership sees the participation of 10 organizations from 5 European countries (Belgium, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic and Spain) belonging to different fields more or less directly connected to the social inclusion of vulnerable people. Open Group is the coordinator of the project, three other partners are involved in welfare and education, 4 are European or national networks, one is a University and one is a social research and training body. A partnership that is therefore very articulated and diversified, built to guarantee maximum complementarity and wealth of points of view and experiences on the common theme. Specifically, Elastic’s partners are

ASP Città di Bologna: Public company for social welfare and personal care of the Municipality of Bologna;

Czech Streetwork Association – CAS: Ngo Working in the field of street/outreach work with youth;

DIESIS: network for the support of the development of the social economy, VET expert;

DOCUMENTA: Ngo for the introduction of a model of sustainable local development;

EAPN Cantabria: Coalition of entities involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion;

FEANTSA: European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless;

FIOPSD: Ngo for social solidarity and inclusion in the area of severe adult marginalization and homelessness;

Open Group: Social organization working in the field of welfare, inclusion and communication;

Polish Migration Forum Foundation – PFM: Public Benefit Organization active in the work of cultural dialogue;

Społeczna Akademia Nauk – SAN: University of Social Sciences, one of the leading private universities in Poland.

Over the next two years, the partners will meet several times in the various cities to which they belong and will exchange good practices and formal and non-formal training that will allow them to achieve the project’s objectives, and to produce a digital vademecum useful for all the other organizations active in the welfare world, in order to spread as much as possible the useful and more effective ICTs emerging from the project.


Twitter: @project_elastic



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