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Cooperativa Sociale
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40121 Bologna / T. 051 841206
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Social housing

Accommodation facilities for transitional housing

Residence Gandhi

A transitional housing project for Italian and immigrant families who are experiencing economic and housing difficulties. We manage the facility for ASP Città di Bologna. Residence Ghandi has 12 housing units and common areas; it can accommodate a maximum of 50 people.

The objective of this project is to accompany families through a process of empowerment towards autonomy, socialisation and social inclusion by fostering constant networking with citizens, associations, private services and public bodies.

Address: via Cristina Campo 20/22, Bologna
Coordinator: Mariantonia Cavallo, | 344 0685320

Condominio Roncaglio

A temporary shelter for people who are urgently seeking accommodation. The service takes into account the growing economic difficulties our society is experiencing. We manage the project for ASP Città di Bologna with the main objective of reducing the need for welfare to a minimum. We support people and families in the achievement of independence. The apartment building is made up of 28 dwellings designed for transitional housing that accommodate approximately 90 people of 13 different nationalities.

Address: via Roncaglio 11/12, Bologna
Coordinator: Luisa Messina, | 335 7787464

Borgo solidale

The service, made up of 12 housing units, is defined as a facility for temporary accommodation. It’s a practical response to the housing emergency that safeguards residents and encourages the creation of mutual self-help networks through cohabitation. The temporary nature of the lodgings and facilities are central to the project in order to facilitate the activation of support and complementary initiatives.
We manage the service for ASC InSieme, a spublic body for the management of social services of the Unione dei Comuni Valli del Reno Lavino Samoggia.

Address: via Monteveglio 53, Bazzano (BO) and via Indipendenza 2/4, Zola Predosa (BO)
Coordinator: Mariantonia Cavallo, | 344 2784032

Condominio Battiferro

Condominio Battiferro comprises 4 floors with a total of 24 housing units (two-room and studio apartments). The main objective of the project is to offer adequate temporary housing solutions and, at the same time, educational support and guidance. Our teams of professionals work with residents in order to support them in the consolidation or acquisition of the personal skills and competences necessary for social reintegration. We manage the service on behalf of ASP Città di Bologna.

Address: via Della Beverara 129, Bologna
Coordinator: Mariantonia Cavallo, | 344 2784032

Social mediation

Le sette porte (Seven doors)

Le sette porte is a project created to respond to the housing needs of many citizens who struggle to access the free housing market. The facility comprises 41 flats made available between Vicolo Mandria, Vicolo San Giobbe and Via dell’Inferno, in the centre of Bologna, which are rented out at a subsidised rate and in agreement with the Municipality.

The project is aimed at young couples or single people (up to 35 years old), families with children and single people aged between 35 and 55. The project is promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Social Housing Fund, for which we act as social managers.

Social worker: Paola Costanzo, | 345 3481953

Supervisor: Giorgia Olezzi, | 331 4614005

Villaggio Gandusio

An innovative project for the regeneration and redevelopment of public housing in Via Gandusio, Bologna. In addition to the renovation of the four buildings at street numbers 6, 8, 10 and 12, it includes a series of activities and initiatives that help develop a new community of inhabitants closely knit within the surrounding area. We are involved in social and community facilitation and mediation. This project is realised in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna, Quartiere San Donato-San Vitale and Acer.

Coordinator: Maria Sole Spagoni, | 331 6657422

Salus Space

Salus Space is a European project coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna with the participation of 16 partners, all of which won the first call of the UIA programme. The area, where the private clinic Villa Salus once stood, was saved from dereliction and regenerated.

Salus Space is a multifunctional centre with housing, art and craft laboratories, a theatre, a study centre with coworking stations, an emporium, a weekly farmers’ market, vegetable patches, a food court and, above all, a community. Together with Cidas, we are involved in community building, social and linguistic mediation and communication.

Info and contacts: Lucia Manassi, | 335 6190230

Mediation in the Acer complexes

We carry out social and cultural mediation and community management activities in a number of public housing estates in Bologna and other cities in Emilia-Romagna. We offer information and support for the most vulnerable people, help them access public services, and show them the opportunities and resources available in the area.

Coordinator: Maria Sole Spagoni, | 331 6657422

Vulnerable adults

Integration of Roma and Sinti communities

The projects we run for Roma and Sinti populations aim to foster the support and inclusion of their communities. The aim is for these populations to become protagonists in the decision-making processes and policies that affect them. We work to foster integration between the city community and the Roma – Sinti. We carry out mediation and family support activities in rest areas for Sinti in Bologna, on behalf of ASP Città di Bologna.

Coordinator: Gemma Giusti, | 342 7446663

Abba workshop

Abba workshop welcomes adults in situations of serious exclusion and marginality and/or homelessness, who are placed in reception centres and social protection centres. The project is aimed at those who are in the care of health and social services or neighbourhood services. The participants of the workshop have the opportunity to take a break from the street and from substances, to be listened to and supported by social workers and to have a space to socialise and work. In the workshop, participants practise simple assembly tasks and receive a minimum income; the fruit of their labour.
We manage the service on behalf of ASP Città di Bologna.

Coordinator: Bianca Maria Pinto, | 334 6593079
Info and contacts: 051 6350207


A facility that accommodates 23 homeless men.
The programme changes according to the period:

  • Fantoni Transition: this project is active from April 1st to November 30th and is dedicated to welcoming 23 homeless men. The facility is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It accommodates documented people in the area with work contracts for 15 days (renewable), and homeless people without work contracts.
  • Fantoni Piano Freddo: this project lasts from December 1st to March 31st. It accommodates 23 homeless people with no previous criminal convictions. The facility is open during the night, 7 days a week; it offers shelter and basic necessities to help safeguard vulnerable people during the coldest months.
    It is a service we manage for ASP Città Bologna.

Address: via Francesco Fantoni 15, Bologna
Coordinator: Silvia Burnelli, | 345 4744294

Rifugio notturno

The facility welcomes people who need housing, supporting them to become independent with the help of educators. The professionals who work on the programme act as a link with health and social services and organise activities together with residents that are attuned to the local environment.

The facility also offers laundry service, dinner and breakfast and has equipped kennels for dogs. It is a service we manage for ASP Città Bologna.

Address: via del Gomito 22/2, Bologna
Coordinator: Mirco Tesini, | 345 5997088