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Cooperativa Sociale
Sede legale: via Milazzo 30,
40121 Bologna / T. 051 841206
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Disability services

Day care centres for adults

Il Borgo

A semi-residential day centre that accommodates up to 20 individuals with medium to severe mental disabilities. Light aromatherapy, reiki, holistic massage and gestalt-oriented art therapy are among our main activities.

Address: via Cartiera 92, Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (BO)
Supervisor: Federica Fioramonti, | 349 3229726
Info and contacts: 051 6782061


A semi-residential centre that accommodates people with medium to severe mental disabilities.
Nature and digital projects are at the heart of our educational programme.
By taking care of green spaces and wildlife, we build on the resources of each individual to create change that leads to the acquisition of useful skills. Digital technologies help us achieve our goal of developing our residents’ communication proficiency and other skills.
Activities: onotherapy with donkeys and goats, tending to the greenhouse, gardening, walks in the park, save-the-bottle-cap workshops and educational courses with schools on sustainability and recycling.

Address: via Enzo Palma 4/A, San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)
Info and contacts: 051 826453

Sheltered workshops for adults


Marakanda is a permanent workshop for people living with disabilities. It specialises in creating works of art, design, furniture and merchandising. Art is that special form of expression, communication and universal language that enables people to overcome differences: painting, sculpture and ceramics, creative sewing, digital graphics and carpentry. Marakanda forms part of the network of ateliers that recognise themselves in the trends of Irregular Art. Thanks to an agreement with the Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna, students carry out their traineeships, internships and workshops at Marakanda, working alongside people with disabilities.

Every year Marakanda publishes The Notebooks, a work that documents the activities carried out by the students and those who participate in the workshops.

Address: via Cartiera 148, Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (BO)
Coordinator: Monica Macchiarini, | 348 0178852
Info and contacts: 051 846961


The centre accommodates adults with mild to moderate psycho-physical disabilities between the ages of 20 and 50. Our facility is surrounded by greenery with a garden and vegetable patch of approximately 4 hectares as well as a wooded area of more than 2 hectares.

Using the spaces for horticulture and garden therapy strengthens the psychic, physical and cognitive aspects of each individual. The aim is to support participants in rebalancing time sequences and reconnecting with the rhythms of nature. Among our activities is the cultivation of vegetables, aromatic and medicinal plants, ornamental plants and flowers which are useful for insect repopulation and help ensure a balanced ecosystem. At Montebello, residents get a taste for biodiversity, organic and circular cultivation, as well as experimentation and research of aromas and flavours.

Address: via Pramatto 2, Sasso Marconi (BO)
Coordinator: Luca Raucci, | 320 2589531
Info and contacts: 051 6751242

Gruppo verde

It is a work education service. The people who participate in the group perform craft and production activities. These activities are a tool to foster individual expression; they stimulate and enhance skills and enrich a person’s identity.

Gruppo verde is also a medium to long-term sheltered workshop for people who need constant educational support.

Address: via Nuova 31, Corporeno di Cento (FE)
Coordinator: Mascia Lenzi, | 348 0229116
Info and contacts: 051 6835100

Easy to live

The project responds to ‘after us’ needs. The intervention consists of welcoming and supporting the person, seeking to improve the quality of life through the development of autonomy, the enhancement of personal abilities and relational skills.

Family members are involved in accompanying their son or daughter towards a possible independent life, in co-housing, in a small group in a flat with partial or full educational support. In addition to the acquisition of basic housekeeping (cooking and tidying up) and leisure time skills, the équipe fosters activities aimed at improving communication skills through the use of digital technologies.

Address: via Pietro Nenni 13, Crespellano (BO)
Coordinator: Aurora Atti, | 344 0685320
Info and contacts: 051 960209

Group Apartment

Casa tra le nuvole (House Among the Clouds)

Casa tra le Nuvole is an experimental project that works on the development of housing autonomy for independent living for people with disabilities. It’s an innovative centre, highly valued by the Volhand Family Association, and an example of inclusive welfare with a bottom-up approach that begins the principled process of co-production of services.

People using the service are encouraged to take individual and collective responsibility and are supported in valuing themselves and others. The facility hosts individuals with different levels of autonomy and different housing needs. The recipients are people with disabilities in the care of local social services who are resident in the territories of the Unione dei Comuni Valli del Reno Lavino e Samoggia.

Casa tra le Nuvole offers:

  • Ground floor: one group flat for up to 6 people (aged between 18 and 65) with disabilities that limit relational autonomy and the management of practical aspects of daily life: self-care, care of living spaces, preparation of meals and purchase of basic necessities. In this context, we work alongside constant educational support.
  • First floor: a mini apartment designed for those experiencing periods of autonomous and independent living outside of the family. This solution allows residents to continue to carry out their daily activities: going to school or work, spending time with friends and engaging in the community.
  • Second floor: three flats for temporary housing solutions available for 1 to 3 years.

Address: via Pietro Nenni 13, Crespellano (BO)
Coordinator: Aurora Atti, | 344 0685320