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Cooperativa Sociale
Sede legale: via Milazzo 30,
40121 Bologna / T. 051 841206
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Educational proposals

We take care of every child by encouraging them to discover their own skills and by being attentive to their needs.

Hygeia Pre-school – Bologna

This facility can accommodate 17 boys and girls between the ages of 12 to 36 months. It offers subsidised costs as part of a new agreement with the Municipality of Bologna.

Address: via Paolo Frisi 5/A, Bologna
Info and contacts: | 051 321629

Nido Arcobaleno – Sala Bolognese

The facility welcomes boys and girls aged between 9 and 36 months. The assignment of places is coordinated by the Municipality of Sala Bolognese.

Address: via Gramsci 95/A, Sala Bolognese (BO)
Info and contacts: | 051 828636

Il Grillo Pre-school – Argelato

This facility welcomes boys and girls from 10 to 36 months old. The assignment of places is coordinated by the Municipality of Argelato.

Address: via Pietro Orsi 1, Argelato (BO)
Info and contacts: | 051 897261

Paselli Pre-school – Marzabotto

The facility welcomes 42 boys and girls aged between 11 and 36 months. The assignment of places is coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna.

Address: via Nerozzi 1, Marzabotto (BO)
Info and contacts: | 051 931228

Bimbopolis Pre-school – Gaggio Montano

The facility can accommodate 35 boys and girls aged between 9 and 36 months old. The assignment of places is coordinated by the Union of Municipalities.

Address: via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto 6, Gaggio Montano (BO)
Info and contacts: | 0534 37887

Nursery schools
We guide children in the process of creating their own meanings, rooting their own identities and making their first friendships. Nature, exploration and technology are at the heart of our curriculum which follows the guidelines on Outdoor education.

Il Trenino

The school accommodates 25 boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 5.

In our educational programme, tablets, cameras, and PCs go together with brushes, markers, paper and scissors. We create workshops in which digital devices are tools that support the natural desire for exploration and curiosity.

Address: via Scandellara 11/10, Bologna
Info and contacts: | tel. 051 532484


This project is based at Bimbopolis pre-school in Gaggio Montano. The creative, playful and educational workshops are open to children and families from the nursery school and local area. Our curriculum is structured in modules. Each is built around a specific theme: sensory exploration, construction of objects with recycled materials, body exploration, taste workshops and aquatics for infants up to 3 years old.

Address: via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto 6, Gaggio Montano (BO)
Info and contacts: | tel. 0534 37887

Workshops for parents

We organise thematic workshops for parents. These cycles of meetings have different areas of focus: rhythm and afro dances, baby yoga, creativity, etc. They’re developed with the aim of creating shared moments between babies and their parents. We also offer meetings for new mothers and their babies; precious spaces for discussion, support and socialisation. The first months of life for a newborn are indeed characterised by varying emotions and questions that should be shared.

Info and contacts: Antonella Santilli, | tel. 348 8254852

School support

The educators in our school support service work to teach kids the importance of rules, to accompany them in the construction of their own identities and to promote their physical and emotional well-being. Our approach is customised; objectives are designed according to each individual and their specific needs.

Info and contacts: Ambra Gardinali, | tel. 348 2570170

Interculturality and teaching Italian as a second language

Being intercultural means fostering engagement between people through discussion and the sharing of ideas and worldviews. The objective of interculturality is to enhance everyone’s individuality and create a truly inclusive way of perceiving reality. Our L2 workshops for international participants are designed with interculture in mind; in addition to teaching the language, we aim to facilitate intercultural encounters and exchange.

Workshops for children and adolescents

Legality projects

Educating for legality means fostering action and awareness. It means offering tools to interpret and read the complex phenomena that are structural in our country: mafias, corruption, environmental crime and drug trafficking. Our projects and workshops aim to boost the many good practices that, in different areas, work against criminal and mafia organisations.

Il Paese delle Meraviglie (Wonderland)

We promote the educational participation of students in secondary schools in Bologna. Our aim is to provide tools that help prevent the use and abuse of legal and illegal substances, technology, and gambling.