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Cooperativa Sociale
Sede legale: via Milazzo 30,
40121 Bologna / T. 051 841206
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Addiction services

Residential services
We welcome people who, at this particular moment in their lives, need to stop, be listened to and share in a therapeutic project.

Rupe Maschile (men)

Accommodates up to twenty men with drug addiction problems – in some cases, as an alternative to detention. Those hosted can live in the central facility or in the adjoining flats.
In the occupational therapy workshop, residents can carry out wiring and assembly work in cooperation with external companies.

Rupe Charter of Services (male)

Coordinator: Roberta Barbieri, |335 7643940
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Rupe Femminile

Welcomes women with and without children, including those with drug and alcohol addiction problems, as an alternative to detention. The mother-child module, accredited for specific programmes on parenting, provides dedicated staff that carry out therapeutic group activities and individual psychotherapy.

Rupe Charter of Services (female)

Coordinator: Alex Lodi, | 338 1158766
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Rupe Ozzano

It accommodates men with alcohol addiction problems. The motivational approach and personalisation of this community project form the basis of its therapeutic offering. It has a capacity of 15 residential places, including 2 emergency places for those with urgent social needs.

Rupe Ozzano Charter of Services

Coordinator: Domenico Catelli, | 342 8193843
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Casa Gianni

A therapeutic community that cares for people with pathological addictions. It can accommodate up to 30 individuals in day care and 10 in residential care. Residents are involved in occupational therapy activities that include carpentry and tending to vegetable patches.

Casa Gianni Charter of Services

Coordinator: Antonietta Esposito, | 345 9778725
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Rupe Fresatore

A mixed reintegration community that acts as a service of transition between the residential community and the local area. The organisation helps people gradually in their search for work, their management of leisure time and the enhancement of their skills.

The programmes are highly customised and vary in duration.

The project believes in the importance of conviviality. With that in mind, the group setting is given utmost importance.

Rupe Fresatore Charter of Services

Coordinator: Francesca Lugli, | 348 5277902
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Rupe Arcoveggio or Varco66

Offers accommodation to women and men as part of an intermediate project between communities of reintegration and apartment groups (day care and residential care modules).

The philosophy of the project is an experience against loneliness. The group of residents is small with the aim of facilitating their transition from guests into landlords. The community is closely linked to the local area so as to prevent a sense of isolation.

Rupe Arcoveggio Charter of Services

Coordinator: Luigi Marenna, | 345 4743934
Welcome representative: Claudia Bianchi, | 348 5277903

Problematic cocaine use


Aimed at people who use cocaine in problematic ways, who overuse it and/or are addicted. Therapeutic programmes are also offered for the treatment of new addictions. The philosophy of the project is represented by the phrase Time Out: structured detachment to contain, decondition and help the individual find her/himself and rediscover meaning in their lives. The project develops along two axes of action: information, awareness and prevention; therapeutic intervention, articulated in proposals both on the individual and group level, as well as residential and non-residential. Among our initiatives is the Weekend Time Out: a weekend treatment interlude from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon which has a residential feel and takes place in a dedicated setting. It’s offered to similarly situated groups of participants. The Weekend Time Out is a monthly opportunity to disconnect from everyday life, break out of insistent habits and problematic rituals, become aware of one’s limits and strengths, stop and, through confrontation without judgement, reflect on cocaine abuse.


The Free GAP service is aimed at those people who suffer because of the costs, not just in an economic sense, of gambling addiction. The service welcomes people and offers immediate support. It is a free and professional resource which guarantees confidentiality. Those with gambling issues will find support and a listening ear during their challenging detachment from the rituals that negatively impact their daily lives.

Services offered:

  • Listening, support and counselling spaces for pathological gamblers and their families.
  • Weekly therapy group – Wednesdays, from 7.00 to 8.30 p.m., at the Ausl A.M.A. (Mutual Self-Help Groups and Facilitating Secretariat) – Poliambulatorio S. Isaia di Bologna.
  • Therapeutic activities and group sessions open to all participants of the weekly meetings – organised periodically.
  • Potential referral to additional structured, therapeutic projects.
  • Remote counselling opportunities.

Info and contacts: | 342 111991477

Street Unit

A service aimed at those with problems of overuse and substance addiction who live predominantly on the streets. We carry out our activities directly in places where substance users meet, using a well-equipped van. We also have a counter and support desk on Via Carracci 59, Bologna.
Open Group manages the service within the Consorzio l’Arcolaio for ASP Città di Bologna.

For direct health consultations: | 348 2359220

Area 15

A free and open-access service for young people and adolescents up to 24 years of age.
Open Group manages the service on behalf of the Municipality of Bologna, together with the cooperative La Carovana. The project promotes the development of a critical and conscious approach to the phenomenon of drug use among younger generations. It also encourages the development of protective and contextualised behaviour, supporting the resources of adolescents and young people. The aim is to provide young people with the tools needed to cope with a constantly changing and complex phenomenon.

Opening hours:
Monday 2-6 p.m
Tuesday 3-6 p.m.
Wednesday 2-6 p.m.
Thursday 3-6 p.m.
Friday 2-6 p.m.

Address: via de Castagnoli 10, Bologna
Info and contacts: | 345 4520680 (WhatsApp and Telegram)